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mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

sketches on angels

Another my great passion are the angels!! with their white pure feathers . . .
I did these sketches some time ago for a commission work
I really enjoy commissions like these ;)

Aerial Circus performer

finally after a long period I post you my new work :)
it's something I love particularly. Who is familiar with me well knows that I really love circus, expecially aerial disciplines!!! For this reason I started from this year a circus course, and  I really love it!!!
Hope to improve really soon and to fly  free in the air!!

Good circus day to every one! <3

lunedì 3 giugno 2013


eccomi qui!!! oggi ho deciso di partecipare a questa nuova iniziativa che serva un pò a far conoscere di più il mio blog :) :)
trovate il bottoncino a destra se volete sapere di più. Ringrazio queste simpatiche ragazze per aver proposto una iniziativa così carina e per aiutare a crescere questi bloggini ^_^
grazie!!!! e speriamo porti bene!! :D

mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013

Strange creature, maybe a circus performer? :)

and this is the second of the two drawings I did this morning :)
I don't know what she is , maybe a fairy, maybe a circus performer since I like them so much :)

the drawing is done with pencil, on A4 paper <3
hope you like her!!

I hope to update my blog again very soon, thanks for following me!!

Sketch of Rapunzel

sooooooooo long time I don't update my dear blog, sorry, forgive me   m(-_-)m
I returned with two new drawings ^__^

one of the two is dedicated to Rapunzel!!! my favourite disney's princess :)
the drawing is done with pancil on A4 paper :)
of course I draw her with my own personal style <3
hope you like it!!